The Hamaspik School provides children with Down Syndrome the
opportunity to learn and thrive in an environment created just for them.
Rich curriculum customized to each
student’s needs, and taught in an
exciting, interactive style.
Skilled staff with a background in
special education, and a steadfast
belief in our students’ abilities.
OT, PT, and speech therapy onsite,
with a strong focus on skills-building
integrated into daily learning.
Constant collaboration between therapists,
teachers, and paras, to ensure that every
child receives the support they need.
Walk the halls of The Hamaspik School, and you’ll be enveloped by sounds of laughter and
song. While the atmosphere is vibrant and alive, every moment is spent learning.
Molding clay strengthens fine motor
skills — and helps students learn to
read in a multi-sensory way.
Group therapy sessions enable
students to reach milestones, while
absorbing social skills in the process.
Lunch time is the perfect opportunity
for learning table manners and
Music create a happy atmosphere,
while instilling values and
strengthening the body.
With a firm belief in our students’ abilities, and a program built to
capitalize on their strengths, your child can rise and soar.
We have a student with particular challenges, and every staff member goes out of their way to help
him. The PT arranged for a new chair and walker. The SLP worked very hard to get him a “talker”
device. The paras go out of their way to make lessons fun and exciting even though he can’t join the
movement activities. And most amazingly, the students themselves follow the lead and help him out
wherever they can!
We recently taught the children
about using sequential language:
“first… then.” It’s amazing how all
the staff integrated it into their
interactions with the students in
such a natural way!”
During COVID, the staff worked hours and hours,
going well beyond the call of duty so that every
child could attend the program. The positivity and
willingness is legendary – and baruch Hashem, our
staff keeps coming back, year after year, to
continue giving their all
What began as a dream – a dream to teach children with special needs
to read the heilige alef beis, to give them the chance to daven from a
siddur of their own – metamorphosed into the joy-filled, vibrant place
that is The Hamaspik School today.
The Hamaspik School’s afternoon program is geared to giving our
students a tangible taste of Yiddishkeit — just like every child their age.
We fit in the important concepts and values everywhere. Our movement song includes a line about
thanking Hashem for making us strong. We are a Yiddishe school, and we want the children to absorb it!”